Sunday, November 26, 2006


Back to life, back to reality ~ Soul II Soul

Yes, I'm whining. I do not want to go back to work tomorrow!! Despite the despicable
weather at the beginning of the break, the weather the last two days has been absolutely gorgeous! Today we took Finley to the beach to romp in the surf while chasing her orange, rubber dummy. The sky was a magnificent shade of blue. The temperature was warm enough for Son & Hubby to wear shorts and for Daughter to roll her pants up. As for me, it was pretty amazing (due to my frigid internal temperature) that I was only in sweats, two shirts, and a sweatshirt. The kids ran up and down the beach looking for shells (scarce) and examining the dunes that resembled rock formations showing layers of rock from ages ago.....merely an effect caused by the high surf Tues.-Fri. last week. We only saw three other people on this stretch of beach and were able to let Finley run free (since the Park Service wasn't in sight)....confirming that we do live in what we perceive to be paradise. Sure, the weather is unpredictable and our lifeline (the road) to the "real world" could be severed at any point, BUT days like today reaffirm our decision to live here. Our friends and family are here and I am quite fond of my hermit-like lifestyle. Sometimes I DO think about living in an area where I could just hop over to Target or cool, trendy stores and restaurants....but what I would be giving up is just too precious. Plus, I think it would desensitize me....the shopping trips that I love would just lose their meaning. Tomorrow I'll be back to the grind. Boo. I didn't even come close to accomplishing all that I wanted to do around the house during the break - as if it was a lists are always so unreasonable. I really didn't even completely de-stress (I never even got to watch one minute of The View) - as if I EVER completely de-stress anymore. Christmas Break.....can't wait!!!


Suzie said...

As I walked along the beach on Thursday, waiting once again for the power to return, I was struck by the beauty of this adopted home. I marveled at the number of people who want to be here and how lucky I am to have had the courage to make it so. I gripe about this place and the isolation from my family but I can't yet imagine anyplace better.

Anonymous said...

Come on, show the good picture of Finley!