Sunday, December 02, 2007


I once asked this literary agent what writing paid the best, and he said, "ransom notes."
~ Get Shorty

I am hoping that this National Board writing gains me the label "Nationally Board Certified". Short of ransom notes, it is also the means to earning a 12% raise. I have spent the majority of this day watching the video of my lesson (I will scream if this portion doesn't get a nod of approval from the person overseeing our endeavor - but it won't surprise me b/c the sound isn't the best) and writing bullshit answers to bullshit questions. Am I done with this portion? NO! Am I over this for today? YES. I could feasibly work some more on it, but I have church Family Night which requires a covered dish. Do I know what I am making? No. Would I rather stay home? Yes. No can do though since Son is in the Nativity. I found out last night that he needs to know how to sing Away in a Manger. It's been a year since we broke out in Christmas song (except for the bogus songs Hubby keeps playing from Special XMas on XM....but those are definitely not appropriate for tonight). So, thanks to LimeWire we periodically practice. I guess I should go begin getting ready....did I mention it's 4:20 & I don't know what time it starts? Good times.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

New Song

How You Live (Turn Up the Music)
Verse 1:Wake up to the sunlight
With your windows open
Don't hold in your anger or leave things unspoken
Wear your red dress
Use your good dishes
Make a big mess and make lots of wishes
Have what you want
But want what you have
And don't spend your life lookin' back

Chorus:Turn up the music
Turn it up loud
Take a few chances
Let it all out
You won't regret it
Lookin' back from where you have been
Cuz it's not who you knew
And it's not what you did
It's how you live

Verse 2:So go to the ballgames
And go to the ballet
And go see your folks more than just on the holidays
Kiss all your children
Dance with your wife
Tell your husband you love him every night
Don't run from the truth
'Cause you can't get away
Just face it and you'll be okay

Chorus:Turn up the music
Turn it up loud
Take a few chances
Let it all out
You won't regret it
Lookin' back from where you have been
'Cause it's not who you knew
And it's not what you did
It's how you live

Bridge:Oh wherever you are and wherever you've been
Now is the time to begin

Verse 3:So give to the needy
And pray for the grieving
E'en when you don't think that you can
'Cause all that you do is bound to come back to you
So think of your fellow man
Make peace with God and make peace with yourself'
Cause in the end there's nobody else

Chorus: Turn up the music
Turn it up loud
Take a few chances
Let it all out
'Cause you won't regret it
Lookin' back from where you have been'
'Cause it's not who you knew
And it's not what you did
It's how you live
'Cause it's not who you knew
And it's not what you did
It's how you live ~ Point of Grace

I heard this song on the way home from work last NIGHT (yes, I worked until after 8 last night & yes, I am merely a teacher & no, it wasn't for the National Boards). It stuck a chord. Enjoy.