Sunday, November 26, 2006


All I really know is she's a gangsta. ~ Thicke

Girlfriend came over on Friday so Hubby and I could escape for a bit. When we got home the kids wanted to cook so we made peanut butter bars. We blasted the XM the whole time and put powdered sugar in inappropriate places to pose for pictures. Lovely photo, huh? The Cult will be so pleased when I weigh in December as I'm sure I will have to pay for eating so much during Thanksgiving break. There's only so much one can do when stuck in the house for days on end. After we made these delights, Girlfriend stayed for dinner....ultimately spending the night. As I have said previously, it's always delightful chaos when she comes over. This time, I found the most ridiculous pj's I own (blue flannel with white duckies on them - they're older than the hills and are so stretched out it's embarassing that I still own them....but I knew Girlfriend would have fun with them) to lend to Girlfriend for the night. However, I didn't know exactly what it would lead to.....Gangsta Girlfriend. I don't know what I like best....the grillz, the razr phone, or the Wild Turkey. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful....the kids watched The Shaggy Dog while Hubby and I watched (err...I slept through most of) The DaVinci Code. The next morning was another feast....chocolate & peanut butter chip pancakes a la Hubby. YUMMY! Then it was back to wallowing....Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Yes, I fell asleep during this one, too. At least I'd seen this one a zillion times. I really couldn't help it....I'd been up since 6:30 am for no particular reason. All in all...another fun time with the kids. :0)


Anonymous said...

I want some peanut butter bars shipped down to the ATL.

Fo shizzle!


Anonymous said...

I'm a OG yo