Thursday, July 13, 2006

Frenzy of Hellishness

Few tasks are more like the torture of Sisyphus than housework, with its endless repetition: the clean becomes soiled, the soiled is made clean, over and over, day after day. ~ Simone de Beauvoir

Cleaning, to me, is torture due to the mere fact that in my home the clean becomes soiled almost immediately after being cleaned. For instance, I just finished wiping down the bathroom counter. I will repeat this at least once more today (after Son finishes brushing his teeth) if not twice since Hubby will more than likely sense the cleanliness with his super male senses and thus feel the need to shave, spreading whiskers onto my pristine counter. Oh, he takes measures to prevent complete and utter "spreadage", but neglects to wipe up those that escape the towel or shirt used to cover the sink. Not that I don't clean the counter daily (what was the world prior to Clorox Wipes?! - Amen?), but every couple of days I do the COMPLETE wipedown that involves the removal of the items and the use of Clorox is then that the shaving begins. I wonder if there is something in the Clorox that triggers his urge to shave. Hmm. I honestly feel that I could clean all day every day and still there would be clutter and filth lurking. No, I do not have OCD. Come to my home and that is clearly evident. I cannot remember the last time that every part of my home was truly clean. I know that people live in complete cleanliness because I have seen it. How they accomplish it (while maintaining a life) is beyond my realm of reality. It is now almost 4:30 and I have spent the majority of this day cleaning. I could not believe the amount of junk that came out of my Expedition. She is now clean, sandless, and wiped down (on the interior). The bathroom is clean. I cleaned the non-cluttered part of my kitchen. My bakers rack really needs a dusting, but that will not be done this day. I did manage to steam clean the kitchen floor which has gotten so worn that it still does not look CLEAN. It IS as clean as it gets these days. Needless to say, I have spent all day in a cleaning frenzy knowing that within one day (if I am lucky) it will all be soiled again. Meanwhile, Daughter & Son's rooms both need a complete "clean sweep" (have you seen the show?)....useless junk tossed, outgrown clothes given away, etc. I have no clue when that will happen because by the time I get around to that, the kitchen and bathroom will be close to being closed down by the Board of Health (that means by tomorrow). Ho hum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, this blog really explains your school closet : ) don't worry! i am so there for you.