Thursday, July 06, 2006

Food & Poor Judgement...the Sworn Enemies of the Day

It turns out there’s only one thing that capuchins really, really love – and that’s sweet stuff. If you give them a big vat of say, marshmallow fluff, and you let them go at it, what they’ll do is eat their body weight in marshmallow fluff, walk away, they’ll vomit, and they’ll come back and eat their body weight again. And they’ll vomit. And they’ll do that for as long as there is marshmallow fluff out there. They love marshmallow fluff. ~ Steve Levitt

I do love me the sweet stuff. My demise today was the chocolate shake from Sonic. I WISH I'd thrown up.
I'd feel infinitely better if I threw up. It is now sitting like a rock in my stomach. And, according to the scales at The Cult, it weighs as much as a decent size rock. I was supposed to finish the Maintenance period tonight (meaning that after six weeks I weighed no more than two pounds over my goal). Well, I missed it by 0.4. Four tenths of a friggin' pound! According to The Cult I gained over three pounds this week which is absolute bullshit. It's that freakin' shake sitting in my stomach. I barely ate today BUT I did eat late on weigh-in day. I just should have skipped. I didn't even stay to see if I had to start ANOTHER six weeks. If that's the case, then I will buy my OWN f-ing scale and work the program alone. I refuse to pay for six more weeks now that I know how to work the points. I haven't attended the meetings in months so I basically pay to weigh. Had I known that MOST people set their goal high in their acceptable weight range so they could meet their goal, achieve life time status (so I wouldn't have to pay anymore), and then lose away....I would have done things MUCH differently. Now I can NEVER weigh two pounds over my goal. Yes, this IS a good thing, but knowing that IF I reach life time status and IF I exceed the two-pound "buffer" I have to pay $10 per week until I lose the two f-ing pounds...I would have set the goal a bit higher to avoid paying. $12 per week to weigh since January is adding up and I am ready to stop shelling out my money. Especially when I could be using that money to buy clothes that I desperately need after losing the weight and dropping three sizes! Damn my poor judgement. Damn that milkshake. I wish I were a capuchin....except I would have weighed before devouring more!

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