Friday, June 30, 2006


Jesus is our life! ~ VBS 2006

Yes, I am too tired to search for any other quote so I decided to use one of the phrases I rattled off numerous times during VBS. In reality, I have been thoroughly consumed with Bible School this week. It was bigger than I imagined! Overall we enrolled 91 children as participants. We had over 20 adult volunteers and over 20 "tween" and teen helpers. I am exhausted, but feel good about accomplishing this endeavor. I have plenty left to learn and much room for improvement, but that will come with time. I am dedicated to doing it again next year with some changes. I will ponder them over the course of the next year and see what we can to make VBS 2007 even better. It's late. My words are not coming easily and my fingers are not typing well. I have created a Power Point to show in church on Sunday to thank our congregation for all their love, support, and financial gifts. I think I have been on this computer for at least two hours so I am going to quit and go to bed. Thanks for "listening" to all these posts about VBS and all the votes of confidence. They all helped. By the way, Jazzy, I DID see that son of yours smile at VBS....I did avoid the Chadder room, though. I know that some of you who read this helped in some way and I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH! From set-up, to daily assistance, to clean are amazing!!! I will post a picture when I feel like using Explorer....Netscape won't let me add pictures OR spell check! Now off to bed to drift off to sleep thinking about the "wrapping up of loose ends". Hopefully sleep will rescue me quickly. Good night!

1 comment:

Suzie said...

Thank you for making it a good time and allowing me to send my son as a punishment. Oh, I forgot to tell you, one night at dinner he started spewing the definition of disciple and how there were fishermen. It was more than I could have hoped for.