Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's a Family Tradition

I'm just carryin' on a family tradition. ~ Hank Williams, Jr.

As I was strolling down the hallway of my school on Tuesday, I noticed the new first grade display: a paper quilt detailing each first grader's Thanksgiving traditions. It is precious....bulletin board paper with hand print turkeys surrounding colorful squares of paper created by each first grader. I searched for Son's. We had been asked to discuss our holiday traditions at home prior to this activity. We talked about the different family members who gather together (usually averaging around 20) and the food we eat. I was confident he would have no problem recollecting the details of our holiday. Imagine my surprise when I find the paper with his name on it with a sentence that reads something along the lines of "My family plays cornhole toss and then we jump on a trampoline." WHAT?! I checked the name on the paper at LEAST three times!! Cornhole toss? I'd never heard of it let alone played it! As far as I knew the word 'cornhole' was synonymous with 'butt hole'!!! Jumping on the trampoline?! We don't own one! Perhaps one year there was jumping, but for most of the boy's life we have eaten at the community building to accommodate our large family: no trampoline! I finally looked up this 'cornhole toss' and find that it is a real activity....nothing to do with butt holes. However, it is still not part of our Thanksgiving repertoire. Perhaps Son is just a visionary like George Costanza's father, the creator of Festivus; rather than continue with the honored tradition of Thanksgiving, we shall now have Cornhole Toss. The Feats of Strength associated with Festivus will be replaced with the Trampoline Jump. I shudder to think what menu items Son will adopt for this holiday. To top it all off, we will have the Liar Liar Pants on Fire portion which Son apparently has mastered. So, family members, enjoy this year's traditional Thanksgiving as it is being replaced by Son's version. Cornhole toss......classic. This is one story that will become part of MY Thanksgiving tradition, "Do you remember the year Son told his first grade class that we play cornhole toss?"

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