Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Shadow of Death

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. When you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
~ Tibetan Buddhist saying

...people react quite differently to this process. Some embrace it. Others abhor it. Some see it as an adventure and ride it like a roller coaster. Personally, I have found comfort in it. I revel in the fact that I am married, have a stable career, a loving family, a home, etc. I feel "established" and "rooted". I am thankful that I am not in the single-scene. I am thankful that I am not suffering from ailments that arise from aging (okay...I'm not that old....give me a break here). I am blissfully content with where I am. Sure, there are things that I want: more money, a tidier home, less stress....typically what most people I know want to some degree. BUT, in the grand scheme of life I am completely satisfied. Having said that, the one thing I despise about aging is the fact that others are aging as well. Today Hubby and I attended a funeral of our friend's mother. This friend, MRV, also lost his dad 13 months ago. The frequency that we encounter death is increasing more and more. I know it will continue to increase as we age. I have faith that our loved ones are in a far better place, but it doesn't make the mourning completely easy. So, to sum it up.....that's what sucks about aging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will keep him in my thoughts & prayers.