Sunday, August 27, 2006


If you can't say something nice... don't say nothing at all. ~ Thumper

Have you ever had one of those days (or weekends - as in my case) where so many occurrences left you with the simple question of WTF (just in case you weren't sure, WTF IS short for What the f***)? Several things happened this weekend that left me asking this simple question well as in amazement. I am not going to detail since I am going to take Thumper's advice as well as remain vague in order to preserve the guilty and the innocent. I guess that's it. Short, sweet, done.


Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that if you don't let out that pent up aggression, the pressure will build and build and it will release in an inopportune fart.

And it will be very smelly.

So, you have to tell us. We won't tell a soul.

--A cool Tar Heel from Winston Dorm and the ATL.

Kristin said...

You're right. I need to vent my frustrations. There is enough noxious gas in my household. Here it goes...I have this friend. I met him when I was at UNC. He rarely reads my blog (even though I avidly read his emails despite the fact that my sports-related ignorance prevents me from fully comprehending the subject matter at a level he would find acceptable - smirk). When he DOES read, he infrequently leaves a comment. I know he has a new man in his life as well as a vast array of sports enthusiasts to cater to, but gee...his failure to attend to my blog leaves me with one small question: WTF?! SMILE!!!