Monday, August 07, 2006

Dot Com's

Some women hold up dresses that are so ugly and they always say the same thing This looks much better on. On what? On fire? ~ Rita Rudner

Want some fun? Check out Ugly People have sent in pictures of prom and bridesmaids dresses trying to prove which one is the my my - fashion faux pas run amok! Of course, for me, the best part is the sarcastically witty text that accompanies many of the pictures. No, it's not necessarily nice, but remember that these people have submitted the pictures to the site knowingly. At times, the text contains spelling or grammar errors....not a problem. If I had access to these pics, I could easily see myself getting tipsy with some girlfriends and writing about the horrors displayed here! Who has time for spell check or grammar check when they are slammin' on fashions such as these. By the many of you wore or admired similar styles? I know I wore a dress the same color as the one entitled Pole Dancer Pink. My dress was a bit more only went over one shoulder and had black netting that not only made the dress "pouf"...but it also was exposed, adding to the sexiness of the dress. Thanks, Jazzy, for the laugh!!! You were right, I had fun with this one.

Another fun one I found is called the Travisty. I am a huge fan of comedy. I adore laughing. This site has clips from SNL (Pete Schweaty, the Cow Bell, Bathroom Monkey, Matt Foley, etc.), In Living Color, Mad TV, etc. and is a fabulous place to see some of your favorite comedy clips. Not for kids, though.

Yes, I'm still into the Monk-E-Mail....though not quite as obsessively. I have taken the next step and have actually called the phone number to record the messages rather than just using the 'text to speech' feature. I even got Daughter involved. One day she started singing this song that she learned at camp. I felt like Steve Martin in Parenthood when he heard the Diarrhea Song that his kids had learned...."that was money well spent". No, I'm not bashing the camp and I have been known to make up many a verse to the Diarrhea Song. I just have a mind that can go into the gutter in 0.1 seconds (I bet some of you didn't think it was that slow - hee hee). The lyrics are as follows:
I know a weenie man. He owns a weenie stand. He sells most anything from hot dogs on down. Someday I'll join his life. I'll be his weenie wife. Hot dog, I love that weenie man.
The second verse uses the word "sausage". Am I the only one who took this little tune to the gutter? Anyway.....I had Daughter sing the cute little ditty onto the Monk-E-Mail phone line and sent it to a friend. It made for a very tasty little greeting.

So, there is my commentary on Dot Com's for now. Amazing how I can go from a thoughtful post about a book I adored to an evaluation of ridiculous web sites. Just call me Sybil. :0)


Anonymous said...

Glad you liked the website. You were the first person I thought of when I saw it and drinks did come to mind. Unfortunately, I have some brides maid dresses from hell that would definatley qualify for any of those catagories. I have the "Oh so 80's" and the pole dancer pink but it had a pink overlay, puffy sleeves and a puckered bottom. We had shoes died to match, pink ice earings and a pink ice necklace. I have very fair skin and this dress did nothing for me.

Anonymous said...

Sybil, the "pregnant prom dress" was a shocking moment from either a "D" horror movie or a "home-made" porno film. You could use the pic in a sex ed, pro-birth control-abstinence class. I'm still trying to get the image out of my head. Please, please get help for that baby. He needs to be released from that environment and his inevitable destiny which, if left there, will include out-of-date Afros and crooked cornrows with ceramic beads that get stuck in his ears. Also, I feel some velvet paintings of Chubby Checkers in his future. This was a Triple XXX picture.

jackie said...

are you dead or what? you never go this long without posting!

i miss you, so write something. :)