Monday, March 03, 2008

My New Boyfriend

Having a good boyfriend is like having a good bra, it's all about support. ~ unknown

Yep, folks, I've got a new boyfriend. The newest in a line of very important men in my life. First there were Bartles & James who showered me with liquid refreshment while taking the stress out of my life. Those were some wild old men! Then I moved on to Ben and Jerry. Their tasty treats so delicious and decadent....until they betrayed me. Their cool, creamy comfort landed me in Weight Watchers. Bastards. Now my new boyfriend is TomTom. He led me straight to Cullowhee even when I disobeyed by alternating my route for potty breaks. He did not retort with a disapproving, "RECALCULATING" (like that Garmin bitch) if I altered the path. Instead, I was kindly urged to turn around at my convenience. The only disturbing thing about Tom Squared (as I affectionately call him) is his voice....HE sounds more like a SHE. Despite that, I think I'm in love. And don't worry.....Hubby knows about my new boyfriend....he bought him for me.


Suzie said...

Wow, a boyfriend bought and paid for by your hubby? Life can't get any better than that.

Jenn Johnson said...

I can't wait to meet him - I bet he even has a brother (or a couple of million of them!)
See ya tonite.