Friday, January 28, 2011


Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music. ~ Gareth Owen

On to child number son. The child is a MESS...and I mean that in the most loving way imaginable. He is snuggly, wild, intelligent, headstrong, sensitive, loving, witty, perfectionistic...and apparently FAIR since he is being honored today (Friday) as the 3rd grade student of the month representing the character trait of 'fairness'. I guess we are doing SOMETHING right around here. However, far more often than not, the boy has me shaking my head, futilely acknowledging that I have given up the present battle. He comes to my room many days after school, when I am READY for some "down time" after wrangling 1st graders all day. Contrary to my mental state, he is READY TO GO...not to a destination...just ready to move, make noise...anything boisterous. After sitting still and quiet all day, he is about to BURST! But if he is well-behaved and studious all day, I shouldn't complain. I love him fiercely...from that blond hair to the very tip of his toes. His smile melts my heart. He has a wide array of interests for a 9 year old who thinks he is a teenager deserving of all the rights, privileges, and freedom of a teenager. He has a sharp wit about him that sometimes leaves me in shock. During soccer season he and I were at a varsity game. A student of mine had entertained us all by fessing up to her family that she had accidentally said a bad word. The mom (trying to avoid getting into the specifics of 'the word' in the stands) said that they would talk about what she had said later. At that, the child stated, "I said 'shit'." Yes, the parents were ALL trying NOT to react and to keep the giggles under control. At the end of the game the child was complaining that she was thirsty and needed a drink. Knowing the child, I told her that the reason she was so thirsty was because saying bad words makes you thirsty. Out of nowhere Son appeared and busted me: "That's not never complain about being thirsty or having a dry mouth." I was now the brunt of the giggles from the other parents. Yes, he knew EXACTLY what he was doing the entire time. Yup, he comes by it naturally...I even laughed myself. He strives to do well in school...all work must be done well and on time. He's probably afraid NOT to after witnessing all the drama that we sometimes face concerning his sister's work ethics. He plays soccer and, not surprisingly, is too slow for him....he's a fast-paced kind of guy. The only time he "walks" is in school DURING regular school hours. Otherwise, he is running, jumping, skipping...ALL BOY ALL THE TIME! He has recently taken up hunting with my brother. He loves spending time with his uncle, being outside, and handling the weapons. I'm sure he likes the killing aspect as well (although I try not to think about that). Winter is the season of the XBOX. Like a bear, he hibernates in his room (aka the cave) and plays games with online "friends". He is technologically savvy, blasting away at zombies and Lord knows what else while blaring this iPod. Typically, he plays one song over and over and over until I finally explode. He recently had Ethel and I laughing while discussing one game he and Son of Ethel play. I am not proud to say that Son has a Grand Theft Auto game. It's a long story as to how it came to be and it is one battle that I have lost. ANYWAY, in this particular game, the gamer can kill prostitutes (please, no comments on this one). He was talking about playing this game and I asked if Son of Ethel killed the prostitutes. He matter-of-factly told me that Son of Ethel did not because he didn't know how to use them as a shield and toss them. No, I didn't laugh in front of him, and it wasn't a regular laugh - it was one of those "laugh in disbelief" kind of laughs...the kind where you are astonished because you have just heard something that you never thought you'd ever hear. I console myself by thinking that he is taking a moral stand against prostitution...yes, I know I'm kidding myself. ;) The kid also LOVES art! One of his favorite gifts for Christmas was his art kit filled with paint, pastels, colored pencils, paper, etc. all in a box that converts into an easel. He has had school artwork featured in the county school art show a few times. One night at Ethel's he and one of her daughters (his partner in crime...we refer to them as the double D's b/c both their names begin with D) spent HOURS outside on the porch IN THE COLD, mind you, creating. It was definitely one of those "ah, look at how entertained they are by a positive activity...we're doing a stellar job as parents" kind of moments. Summer is HIS season...he and I live for the beach. I live for the warmth and the sunshine and my summer friends while he lives for the surf. The boy is a fish and stays in the water just about all day surfing, boogie boarding, swimming, snorkeling...if he's not in the water (which is rare), he is eating or walking with the pack of kids that we have in tow (the kids ALWAYS outnumber the day there were over 20 kids in our group and MAYBE 6 adults). He loves to be at the dock to see the daily catch and to wash his daddy's boat. The mate usually gives him some cash for, is he proud of that money he's earned. Plus it helps him feed his XBOX addiction. Unlike his sister, I have no idea what he hopes to be when he grows up. He is too much on the move to ponder that one. Thanks to my niece and his dedication to picking on us, he claims to be a Duke fan. He's lucky we still provide shelter, food, and clothing (JUST KIDDING). However, he dons Carolina clothing, paired with surf attire, most of the time. He says he likes both and still hasn't learned that it is impossible to do that (ha ha...we are constantly joking around this place). In addition to his WILD side, he is compassionate, loving, and well-mannered. His eyes sparkle. He is generous with hugs and will still snuggle with me. Sometimes we both snuggle up and read together (separate books at this point). I love him to the moon and back...infinitely.

1 comment:

Jenn Johnson said...

Whatever he chooses to do or be when he grows up, we all know he'll be successful - as long at it never involves sitting still for long periods of time. Every time I see the D-man, it makes me smile. To know him truly is to love him. To know him is also to have a lot of respect for you; parenting him takes a lot of energy and flexibility - in a good way! <3